This work seeks to understand the idea of a unified object language, working in single-fire, where all components of work must be made together at once. The forms, the surfaces, texture, colour, all applied as a single moment, giving over more agency to the kiln and seeking a collaboration with the process and materials

These ceramic vessels focus on the parallels between the constructed and natural worlds. Each pot in this series swells with inhalation, the vessel full with a volume of held breath, or deflates with released tension. They express a horizonless instant of possibility within a body.

This group of vessels is the culmination of an exploration in the intersection between pottery’s relationship to the body, Taishō era textile evolution, historical printing techniques, and my own material engineering and geological interests. This work investigates the lines between surface and form, fashion and costume, art and design, and brings them into conversation with each other through the manifestation of these vessels.

An investigation into geological processes and textures in traditional and non-traditional ceramic materials.